VedaTreee Logo
Ayurveda Counselling, Coachings and Retreats


Your first step
Welcome to Vedatreee, the "Three-E" Ayurveda coaching programme to open to open your full potential in three stages:
Explore - Experience - Express

In our coaching sessions and retreats, Vedatreee will guide you step-by-step to find your path to well-being and energy. You will learn to find harmony within yourself and with the world around you.

At Vedatreee we believe humans are trees of life:
We need strong roots, sunlight, and nourishment to achieve our full potential. In harmony with these “Three-E” objectives we have structured our step-by-step process into three stages.
Ayurveda erkennen


The seed of positive change is in Exploration:

Explore what prevents you from living a healthy and happy life

Explore how you can take the first step to embrace change

Explore which path you should find to invite joy into your life

Ayurveda erfahren


Knowledge without Experience cannot generate power. Change only comes about through the combination of learning and experiencing.

Experience new habits that will help you persevere on your path

Experience how to sustain the lightness and joy of these new habits

Experience how each new habit will give you the confidence to renew your life each day

Ayurveda entfalten


The goal of every coaching session is to unfold and Express what shines within you: your true selfwith all your abilities and energy.

Free yourself from that which holds you back and prevents you from finding your innergreatness

Find and unfold the abilities that are a gift to yourself and others

Allow dreams of the heart to unfold and find a place in your everyday life

Allow change
über Ayurveda
Ayurveda means "knowledge of life" in Sanskrit.
It is the oldest medical system in the world and a holistic method for maintaining health.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, health means not only a good physical balance but also the well-being of the individual in all its complexity and completeness.
"Being happy" is a goal that affects all aspects of our human experience: Body, Mind, and Soul.Contentment, santosha in Sanskrit, is a yogic precept.

It is a skill to be developed through the habit of gratitude and the training of the mind. The different levels of human experience influence each other.
By taking care of the harmony and well-being of the body, we also take care of our minds and our happiness.The effectiveness of this holistic science, which recognises each person as unique and incomparable, is still highly relevant today.
Five millennia of experience has proven its effectiveness.According to Ayurveda, the key to harmony on a physical and mental level is to live according to our individual constitution.
Excess "bioenergies" are the cause of all illnesses and should be balanced preventively.

In Ayurveda, every counselling or coaching session begins with determining one’s constitution.
In this way, we learn to understand our nature, to live in harmony with it, and to nourish ourselves sothat we become and remain healthy and happy.
Your path with Ayurveda
Ayurveda Beratung

Ayurvedische Psychologische Beratung

Wenn der Geist in ein Ungleichgewicht gerät, negative Gedanken und Emotionen uns lähmen und Energie rauben, kann es sehr unangenehm sein, aber uns darauf aufmerksam machen, dass etwas in unserem Leben verändert werden möchte. Gehen wir gerade auf unserem "Seelenweg" oder haben wir uns stark davon entfernt?
Entspricht unser Leben unserer Berufung? Können wir unsere Fähigkeiten entfalten? Was sind die Inhalte und die Rhythmen unseres Alltags? Was für Gedankenmuster und zusammenhängende Emotionen haben sich in unser Leben eingeschlichen und wurden unbewusst zur Gewohnheit?

Ayurveda bringt Körper, Geist und Seele in Einklang und zeigt Ihnen, dass Sie mit Kraft aus Ihrem Zentrum neue Wege wagen können, und dass Krisen nur Herausforderungen sind, die uns zu einem besseren, erfüllteren Leben führen. 
Mut tut gut!

Zu meinem Angebot

Ayurvedische Ernährungsberatung

In Ayurveda ist die Ernährung eine der drei Säulen der Gesundheit und somit ein zentrales Thema um ein Gleichgewicht beizubehalten oder zurück zu erlangen.
Hierbei geht es um keine dogmatische Diät, die allgemein gültig ist.
Der Mensch wird bei Ayurveda individuell in seiner Einzigartigkeit betrachtet. Die eigene Konstitution, das Alter, die Lebenssituation, das Klima, der Lebensrhythmus - das alles muss einbezogen werden, um passende Ernährungsempfehlungen herauszuarbeiten. In dieser ganzheitlichen Betrachtungsweise werde ich mit Ihnen einen persönlichen Ernährungsplan ausarbeiten, den wir Schritt für Schritt in individuellem Tempo angehen können.  Ziel ist die gesamte Körper-Geist-Einheit in Einklang zu bringen und sie wieder ins Fließen zu bringen.
Durch eine Ernährungsberatung profitiert Ihr gesamtes System und Lebensgefühl!

Zu meinem Angebot

Ayurvedic Psychological Counselling

A state of mental imbalance, where negative thoughts and emotions paralyse us and rob us of energy, is unpleasant but it can also be the beginning of a change.

Are we currently on our "soul path" or have we strayed far from it?

Is our life aligned with our calling? Can we unfold our abilities?
What is the daily content and rhythm of our lives?
What are our thought patterns and the emotions that we unconsciously carry with us throughout our lives?

Ayurveda brings body, mind, and soul into harmony and shows you that you can dare to take new paths out of your centre.
Ayurveda teaches us that crises are only challenges that lead us to a better, more fulfilling life.
Courage is the key.

Get in touch

Ayurvedic Nutritional

For Ayurveda, nutrition is a pillar of health and therefore a central theme for maintaining or regaining balance.
There is no dogmatic diet that is universally valid.

In Ayurveda, people are always considered unique. Your constitution, age, life situation, climate, and rhythm of life are all individual.

All these factors must be considered to work out suitable nutritional recommendations.

Based on this holistic approach, we will work with you to develop a personalised nutrition plan that you can tackle step-by-step at your own pace.

The aim is to bring the entire body-mind unit back into flow and harmony

Get in touch
Ayurveda Coaching
Our Veda Retreats in Tuscany and Northern Italy’s Lake Orta combine yoga and hiking with our special Ayurveda energy workshops and caching in the small group. Our retreats are an energetic reboot, a time-out from the demands of everyday life in the natural landscapes of the mountains above Lake Orta and the sea region of Tuscany.

Our retreats are informal, authentic, undogmatic, and freedom-loving. We combine the Eastern philosophy of yoga and Ayurveda with the Italian flair of la dolce vita.Learn to identify the energy lifestyle that suits your individual constitution, sustain that energy routine, and discover a daily detox that will reignite your energy.
You will return with increased awareness of health and personal fulfilment.
The Tuscany Energy Retreat with an empowering eight-day programme of hikes, yoga, and Ayurveda workshops

This Vedatreee retreat next to the sea is designed for people who are seeking a more balanced energy level and have a broader interest in yoga, hiking and exploring issues of health and wellbeing with us in Tuscany!

Next dates:
12th of October - 19th of October

Other dates for groups upon agreement. Please contact me for special programms or content.
More Information
The Lake Orta Energy Retreat with daily yoga, hikes and empowering coaching in the small group

Vedatreee’s Lake Orta Energy Retreat takes place in the magical village of Quarna Sopra above Northern Italy’s Lake Orta. Surrounded by magnificent mountains, you will experience daily yoga sessions, breathing exercises, Ayurveda workshops, and hikes to help you discover your inner energy. Get in touch with your inner resources and needs and embark on a new, powerful path in your everyday life.

The 2024 Lake Orta Energy Retreats will be held from September 14th to 21st

Other dates for groups upon agreement. Please contact me for special programms or content.
More Information
Veda Energy Tresure Hunt with daily yoga, stage hikes and dolce vita. Learn to boost your energy in a playful way

Vedatreee’s Energy Treasure Hunt takes place in a magical area: the small village of Quarna Sopra above Lake Orta surrounded by a magnificent landscape of mountains. Yoga sessions, hikes, meditative walking and Ayurveda energy coachings will help you to discover your inner sources of strength and get in touch with your own resources and needs.

The 2024 Lake Orta Energy Retreats will be held from August 29th to September 1st, 2024

Other dates for groups upon agreement. Please contact me for special programms or content.
More Information
Ayurveda Coaching

Tree of Life
Online Masterclass

The online Masterclass "Tree of Life" was developed by Vedatreee according to the principles of the Ayurvedic tradition. During the 12 lessons of the course, you will go through a process that teaches you the well-established Ayurvedic path to self-awareness and self-development. You will be guided to make small and large changes to achieve greater well-being, balance and fulfilment. The intimate atmosphere of the small group will help you to achieve your goals at your own pace and with maximum freedom.
The online course takes place in small groups of 8 to 12 people and includes:
- 12 lessons on various aspects of Ayurveda, of which the first lesson is an intensive lesson of approx. 3 hours with individual constitution determination and the other 11 lessons last approx. 2 hours.
- Individual personal dialogue with each participant (via Zoom or by telephone) to define your goals and get to know your expectations and needs.
- Manuscript "Tree of Life" for each lesson
- Private link to the recording of the lessons
- Possibility of contacting your coach throughout the course via WhatsApp to clarify any questions about the application of the concepts taught
- Money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied with the course after the first lesson
The lessons include:
- general knowledge of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic nutrition and psychology
- Suggestions for practical application of the acquired knowledge to gain direct experience with them
- Interactive work
- Relaxation, mindfulness and visualisation exercises
I would be happy to send you more detailed information about the coaching program "Tree of Life" and of course also advise you by phone, in person or via Zoom to find the right type of support for you!
Über Maria Luisa Barontini
As the founder of Vedatreee I offer you a warm welcome.

My name is Maria Luisa Barontini. I am Italian but have lived in Germany for thirty-three years. My vocation and joy are helping people find their energy and shape their lives with renewed focus.

To this end, I have created Vedatreee, with online coaching, energy programmes, and retreats.
My connection with Ayurveda began nearly thirty years ago when my sister organised workshops in Italy with the Ayurvedic doctor Arya Bharadwaj.
My husband, after completing his medical studies, also trained with Arya.

Several Ayurvedic doctors have visited us regularly for decades and we have established a relationship with the International Academy of Ayurveda in Pune (India).
At the Seva Academy for Ayurveda and Yoga I completed qualifications in Ayurvedic Psychology and Ayurvedic Nutrition.
Since then, I have offered coaching, consultations, retreats, and workshops in Italy and Germany.
I also support other yoga schools in organising their retreats according to their principles.

I look forward to helping you awaken your unique energy and accompanying you on your journey.
Make an appointment now

Get In Touch

Write a mail to or fill out the form below!
Of course, we can also arrange a phone call or a free online introductory session for more detailed information about our services, programmes and retreats. We are looking forward to getting in touch with you!

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